Why attend?

  1. CC FORUM is privileged to have some of the world's best speakers. Some of these individuals are global transformers. Come and listen to what the gurus have to say!
  2. The top industry leaders, policy makers, think tanks, family offices, venture capitalists and institutional and private investors will attend the summit.
  3. CC Forum will be discussing some of the existential challenges humanity has been confronted with today including adapting one's global busines thinking and practices
  4. The forum's delegates should expect major global announcements and launch of sustainability related products and services.
  5. The Forum will provide startups the right platform to connect with potential investors. The Investors' hub alongside with shark tank sessions will be running for two days where you will be able to present your project to investment decision makers subject to prior appointment.
  6. A range of networking opportunities will be available to you. You will be able to connect with your peers and potential partners.
  7. There will be a fun part as well! The investors' VIP Gala Dinner will be the highlight event for many and will be held within the framework of the Forum.